How I Cured My PMDD Naturally: My Journey to Healing with Rapid Transformational Therapy

heal pmdd holistic pmdd pmdd treatment rapid transformational therapy rapid transformational therapy for pmdd root cause pmdd rtt for pmdd treat pmdd naturally Aug 27, 2024

For years, I struggled with a debilitating condition that seemed to take over my life every month. It was as if a dark cloud descended on me, turning me into someone I didn’t recognize—someone filled with rage, anxiety, and despair. These feelings weren't just mood swings; they were overwhelming, soul-crushing, and seemingly uncontrollable. I didn’t know what was happening to me, and that uncertainty only made things worse.

One night, in a desperate attempt to understand what was wrong with me, I turned to Google. I typed in “rage before period” and hit enter. That simple search would change my life forever. Among the results, I found a term I had never heard before: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD. As I read through the symptoms, it was as if someone had finally turned on the lights in a room that had been dark for years. For the first time, I understood what was happening to me.

I cried tears of relief as I realized that I wasn’t crazy, I wasn’t a monster. There was a name for what I was experiencing, and with that name came validation. But the relief quickly gave way to fear as I joined every Facebook support group I could find. The advice and information shared in those groups were overwhelming, and often terrifying. People talked about how PMDD had ruined their lives, their relationships, and their careers. I saw posts about endless medications, severe side effects, and the hopelessness that many felt. It was frightening, but I knew I had to keep searching for answers.

I had already tried SSRIs. For a year, I had been on and off different antidepressants, hoping they would help balance my mood. But they never quite worked for me. The side effects were too much, and the relief they offered was minimal at best. I also made significant changes to my diet—I cut out gluten, eliminated alcohol, and tried various supplements that were supposed to help. But despite all these efforts, the rage, the sadness, and the despair kept coming back month after month.

It was clear to me that while these approaches might work for some, they weren’t getting to the root of the problem for me. I needed something more. And so, my search continued.

That’s when I discovered Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). It was introduced to me as a therapy that doesn’t just manage symptoms but aims to treat the root cause of issues like PMDD. The idea that there could be a way to actually heal, rather than just cope, intrigued me. I dove into researching RTT and was fascinated by what I found.

RTT is a hybrid therapy, combining the most effective principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT. It works by accessing the subconscious mind, where our most deeply held beliefs and patterns reside. Many of the emotions and behaviors that define PMDD—rage, anxiety, depression—are driven by subconscious programming that we’re not even aware of. RTT aims to identify and reframe these subconscious beliefs, effectively reprogramming the mind to respond differently.

I decided to give RTT a try, and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The process was profound. Through guided sessions, I was able to uncover and address the underlying emotional wounds that were manifesting as PMDD. These were things I had buried deep, traumas and beliefs that I hadn’t fully processed. RTT helped me release them, replacing them with new, empowering beliefs.

The changes didn’t happen overnight, but they were real and lasting. Slowly, the intense emotions that had once gripped me each month began to fade. The rage dissipated, the anxiety lessened, and the sense of hopelessness lifted. I felt like I was reclaiming my life, one cycle at a time.

But RTT didn’t just help me heal from PMDD—it transformed my entire approach to mental health and wellness. It opened my eyes to the power of the mind and the importance of addressing the root causes of our struggles, rather than just managing symptoms. This transformation was so impactful that I knew I had to share it with others. I decided to become a certified RTT therapist so I could help others experience the same healing that I did.

Today, I’m proud to say that I’m not just a survivor of PMDD—I’m an advocate for healing and transformation. I’m leading a movement to help others overcome PMDD and reclaim their lives. My mission is to spread the word about RTT and the profound impact it can have, not just on PMDD, but on any mental or emotional challenge.

If you’re reading this and you’re struggling with PMDD, I want you to know that there is hope. You’re not crazy, and you’re not alone. There is a way to heal, and it starts with addressing the root cause of your pain. If you’re ready to begin that journey, I invite you to CLICK HERE and take the first step toward reclaiming your life.

Healing is possible, and you deserve it. I’m living proof that with the right tools and support, you can overcome PMDD and live a life free from the monthly torment that once seemed inescapable. Your journey to healing starts now, and I’m here to walk alongside you every step of the way.